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Samstag, 11. April 2020
The picture of actual time.
kerstin weinreben, 08:59h

As soon as we do not cirkle the time from centre, as soon we are do cirkle the time from peripherie. That fore there is no prophetery of useless future left. The time to use prophetery is useless for to accept the acctual moment. Pictured by this Din A 4 specially to this Din A 5 on right side. Cirkleling the time the backups are saved in a snailhouse of Din A 4.
Loreena McKennitt - Mummer's Dance (Dance of wolves) https://youtu.be/2uq0QKjXlso
Excuse the mistakes to wright in English.
Tick tack, is forward backward and that it is crossing the centre. That is a mistake of the past to show the time.
https://youtu.be/fLJRvRzHQvI Scotland Highlands Hallelujah Celtic Thunder Celtic Angels

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Eine Konserve.
kerstin weinreben, 07:59h
DOOLIN TRAD' SESSION with Blackie O'Connell, McDermott's Bar, Doolin, County Clare, Ireland 2015


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